
The Best Intake Questions for Recruiters

Get the critical information to fill your role

The foundation of successful hiring lies in asking the right intake questions. It’s a fundamental process of our patented Method at Coit Group. That’s why we’re excited to share a guide that shows you the top questions we ask during our intake calls with hiring managers.

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An inside look

2024 Intake Questions

We don’t ask every question in this list, and many aren’t included either. That’s intentional. Our experience over the past 20+ years has taught us that the key to building exceptional teams lies in understanding the nuances of each role and the unique needs of your organization. That means the questions for every role are different. Still, here are the key principles you should be pulling out of every intake conversation:

Dive Deep into Candidate Assessment

These questions are crafted to delve deep into what makes a candidate suitable for your team. Surface-level questions are important, but by the end of the conversation you want specific, unique answers about what the ideal candidate looks like.

Understand the Role Inside Out

A thorough understanding of the role is crucial. Questions like “What are the top 3 responsibilities for the position?” or “What specific skill sets are required to be successful in this role?” are designed to paint a clear picture of what the job entails. This clarity is essential not just for you as a recruiter but also for potential candidates to assess their fit. Candidates want to have a clear vision of what working in this role will be like.

Focus on Growth and Culture

Candidates are looking for a job and a career path; they’re looking for a place where they can thrive. Questions about growth potential, team culture, and work-from-home policies help you communicate the opportunities and environment your company offers, making your offer more attractive to top talent.

Tailor Your Sourcing Strategy

Understanding where to look for candidates, whether through niche websites or specific target companies, can significantly enhance the efficiency of your recruitment process. Hiring managers may know of communities you’re unaware of that provide an excellent source of talent.

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What our clients are saying


Rick O'Rourke, CRO of Yubico

— Coit effectively joined our company. They got badged, booked time on our calendars, and completely operated like our internal recruiting team.

Jeff Van Zanten, CFO of Apptus

— Coit is a phenomenal ally and resource. They truly helped us get our house in order in the eyes of our investors.

Jo Dennis, VP People & Culture at Omada Health

— Recruitment is cyclical as business is cyclical. Coit was in it for the long run and brought a real bullpen mentality to solving our problems.

Coit Group

Building tech's most beloved teams since 2000

Based in the San Francisco Bay area, we have a history of partnering with organizations who need to scale quickly, without sacrificing candidate quality. Our recruiters are specialists in filling the most complex roles and ensure candidates are an exceptional match, all while reducing the cost per hire.
